
Frequently Asked Questions

Most Asked

  • What features come with a free account?

    You get access to all features that come with a paid account! You can access all templates, copy it, check template reports and campaign statistics for each and also be up to date with latest trends in email marketing. You can sign up(hyperlink sign up page) without a credit card.

  • How do Free and Pro accounts differ?

    The Free account only lasts for 3 days, post which you would need opt for one of our subscription plans!

  • Can I cancel my subscription on my own?

    Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Go to your profile, click on 'Manage Subscription' under plans and click on 'Cancel Plan'.

  • Will my subscription renew automatically?

    Yes, your subscription renew automatically every month or year based on the plan chosen.

  • How is Mailsights a good fit for my business?

    Mailsights is ideal for businesses seeking high-performing email templates for inspiration. It allows you to easily customize these templates for your specific needs, ensuring effective and visually appealing email campaigns without needing automation or integrations.

  • What type of businesses benefit most from using Mailsights?

    Businesses of all sizes, including SMEs, non-profits, educational institutions, and service-based companies, will benefit. Any business or entrepreneur who uses email marketing will find Mailsights useful for enhancing their email designs and campaigns with ease.

  • Can I find great email examples?

    Yes, Mailsights provides a wide range of high-performing email templates for inspiration, allowing you to find great examples to customize for your own use. These templates are designed to help you create visually appealing and effective email campaigns.

  • Can I see how my competitors’ email campaigns look?

    Yes, Mailsights allows you to view your competitors' email templates and access campaign performance metrics like open rates, targeted age groups, send days, and more. This feature helps you stay competitive by understanding industry benchmarks and strategies.

  • Does Mailsights provide performance data like open rates?

    Yes, Mailsights provides multiple performance metrics such as open rate, deliverability rate and other metrics like age group of target audience etc. These insights help you evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns


  • Brand score

    What is it?

    The Brand Score is a metric that reflects how well the email templates of a brand are optimized for email marketing.

    Why is it important?

    The Brand Score serves as a quick reference to evaluate your email campaign's overall health. A higher score not only indicates compliance with marketing best practices but also influences customer trust and engagement. Optimized templates often result in better user experiences, increasing the likelihood of conversions and sustained subscriber interest.

  • Open rate

    What is it?

    The Open Rate measures the percentage of recipients who open an email. It is calculated by dividing the number of opened emails by the total number of emails sent (excluding those bounced).

    Why is it important?

    The Open Rate is a direct indicator of how compelling your email appears to recipients. It reflects the effectiveness of your subject lines and the initial interest level in your message. High open rates are generally indicative of strong subject line strategies and optimal sending times, leading to greater campaign effectiveness.

  • Deliverability rate

    What is it?

    The Deliverability Rate is the percentage of emails that successfully land in the recipient's inbox, avoiding the spam or junk folders.

    Why is it important?

    Ensuring your emails are delivered to the inbox is fundamental. High deliverability rates mean that your technical setup (like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC) is sound and that your reputation as a sender is strong. This directly impacts the ability of your campaigns to reach their intended audience, affecting every subsequent engagement metric.

  • Total campaigns

    What is it?

    Total Campaigns refers to the cumulative number of email campaigns captured by Mailsights for the brand.

    Why is it important?

    This metric provides insight into the volume and scale of a brand's email marketing efforts. Frequent campaigns can indicate a robust, dynamic marketing strategy, while the total number also helps gauge experience and longevity in email marketing practices.

  • Average campaigns/month

    What is it?

    This metric indicates the average number of email campaigns a brand launches per month.

    Why is it important?

    Analyzing the frequency of campaigns helps in assessing how active and engaged a brand is with its audience. It also helps in understanding market dynamics and can guide brands on whether to increase or decrease their engagement frequency to match competitor activity and audience expectations.

  • Average subject line length

    What is it?

    This is the average number of characters in the subject lines used by a brand across its email campaigns.

    Why is it important?

    The length of the subject line significantly impacts whether an email is opened and can affect the email's visibility on various devices. Optimal subject line length can improve open rates, and knowing this metric helps in crafting precise and effective messages.

  • Most popular send days

    What is it?

    This metric shows which days of the week a brand most frequently sends emails.

    Why is it important?

    Choosing the right day to send emails can significantly influence engagement rates. This metric aids in optimizing your email schedule based on historical data, aligning your send days with when your audience is most likely to read and interact with your emails.

  • Most popular send time

    What is it?

    It represents the most common times of day a brand sends out it's emails.

    Why is it important?

    Similar to send days, the timing of your emails can greatly impact their effectiveness. This metric helps pinpoint the best times for engagement, allowing marketers to strategically schedule emails to increase open and click-through rates.

  • Targeted age group

    What is it?

    This metric identifies the primary age demographic targeted by a brand's email campaigns.

    Why is it important?

    Knowing your target audience's age range allows for more personalized and relevant content creation. This customization can lead to higher engagement, loyalty, and conversion rates, as messages resonate more deeply with the intended recipients.

  • Bin rate

    What is it?

    Bin Rate measures the percentage of emails that recipients directly send to their trash, indicating a lack of interest or perceived spamminess.

    Why is it important?

    A high Bin Rate can signal problems with email relevance or targeting. It underscores the need to improve content quality and recipient segmentation to enhance engagement and reduce waste.

  • Email optimized report

    What is it?

    This report provides an overview of how well an email template is optimized, including readability, mobile-friendliness, and loading times.

    Why is it important?

    An optimized email ensures a better user experience, which can significantly boost engagement rates. This report helps identify areas of improvement to make each email as effective as possible.

  • Email style report

    What is it?

    The Email Style Report provides detailed insights into the styling aspects of an email template, including the types of fonts used, font colors, and background colors.

    Why is it important?

    The choice of fonts, colors, and design elements significantly affects how recipients perceive and interact with your emails. Consistent and appealing visual styling enhances brand recognition and can make your messages more engaging and readable. This report allows marketers to ensure that their emails not only function effectively but also maintain a visual appeal that resonates with their audience, which can lead to higher engagement rates and a better overall campaign performance.


  • I am unable to find the brand I am looking for

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    and we well notify you if we add the brand.